Consume alcohol sensibly, minimize drug use, and cut back on smoking or vaping.
Discover local support services & programs that can assist with your mental health.
Volunteer your time, join a cultural group or association, or attend community events.
Staying well-hydrated can improve your sleep quality, cognition, and overall mood.
Discover the Bow Valley Food Alliance, Good Food Box, and Banff Food Rescue.
We all need downtime and rest. Consider how you can find rest and relaxation in the following areas: physical, mental, social, creative, emotional, spiritual and sensory rest.
Instead of your phone, computer, and TV, enjoy a book, podcast, or jigsaw puzzle.
Sleeping lets your body rest, and makes your mind more alert when you wake up.
Go for a relaxing walk outside, take a yoga class, or join a drop-in basketball game.
Start conversations with your friends, family members, co-workers, and neighbours.
Experience the healing potential of time spent on meditation, mindfulness, or prayer.
Go hiking with someone, take up gardening, go swimming, or spend time camping.
Tune out global chatter, noise, and news and engage with the world around you.
The Bow Valley is full of wellness services and programs.
Available 24 hours, 7 days a week, offering confidential support, information and referrals to Albertans experiencing addiction concerns, including problem gambling.
Provides 24hr emotional support, resources, referalls to specialized Sexual Assault Services throughout Alberta.
AA is a spiritual program of action to support those recovering from alcohol. If you have a problem with alcohol, you are welcome to attend any meeting of AA anywhere in the world. The Calgary AA website lists all in person meetings held in Canmore and Banff as well as online meetings options.
Provides walk-in mental health counselling, with no appointment necessary, from 2-9pm everyday through the Urgent Care deparment. Emergency room is open 24/7 for additional urgent mental health support.
Connects you with primary care clinics for services from doctors, nurses, and other allied health professionals. Offers free counselling for mild mental health concerns.
Provides walk-in mental health counselling, with no appointment necessary, from 2-9pm everyday through the Urgent Care deparment. Emergency room is open 24/7 for additional urgent mental health support.
Provided by Kid’s Help Phone, this is an all-ages resource providing 24/7 mental health support over text.
Provides 24hr crisis intervention services and emotional support via phone calls, text, or online chat sessions.
Online chat
The Homelessness Society of the Bow Valley offers two programs: an emergency winter shelter in Canmore and an outreach program (available year-round) to provide support to individuals experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity within the Bow Valley.
The Hope for Wellness Helpline is available to all Indigenous people across Canada. Experienced and culturally competent counsellors are reachable by telephone and online ‘chat’ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
A brochure providing information on organizations and other resources that can help you find housing.
Available 24 hours, 7 days a week, offering confidential support, information and referrals to Albertans experiencing mental health concerns.
Provides assessment, treatment and follow up to individuals experiencing moderate to severe addiction and mental health concerns. Appointments for free counselling can be made at offices in Banff, Canmore, and Lake Louise. Walk-in counselling provided everyday from 2-9pm at Banff and Canmore hospitals.
SARVSS assists victims of crime throughout the criminal justice process by providing the core services of information, support, and referrals. SARVSS also supports communities by providing resources and support to people undergoing loss and tragic circumstances.
Free on demand wellness information, one-on-one counselling sessions and community support.
Supports women who are experiencing intimate partner violence and sexualized violence. Empowers clients to make safe and informed decisions through awareness, prevention, and one-on-one support.
Call/text the 24/7 Distress Centre Helpline at 403-266-4357
Call the 24/7 Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642
The Mental Health Helpline also offers interpretation and translation for help in languages beyond English.
Follow us on Facebook for information on community events and more mental health supports.
Contact us
If you need to request the addition of a resource to our site or have a media-related question, please contact us.